Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hacker 101/ Lesson 1: "Social Engineering"

Not finding any unprotected wifi hotspots on my laptop while doing laundry at Lucy's on Sunset, I see "Dunes1", "Dunes2", and "Dune3", all protected but seeable on my laptop while I wait at Burger King for my washing machine to finish.

iphone>google maps>"hotel"
"Dunes Inn - Sunset"
"Hello, Dunes Inn."
"Yes, I'm visiting a guest at your hotel and I
'm trying to log onto your wifi. What the Username and Password please?"
"Yes, Username is 'Hollywood'"
"For all 3 wifi zones?"
"Yes sir, and Password is ****."
"Great! Thanks"

That's called- 'Social Engineering'.

So ends lesson #1.

This lesson brought to you by a socially engineered internet connection and the letter 'H'.


If a blog is posted in the interwebs, and nobody reads it, does it exist?